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Showroom Exp
Showroom Exp

Turn every showroom
visit into a memorable

Elevate customer interactions through digital interfaces that inform, engage, and convert.

Digital Retail

Transforming showrooms into
brand experience centers

Digital Retail

Online to offline transition

Use customer insights from online engagements to ensure an uninterrupted buying journey when customers visit your showroom.

Digital Retail

Improve customer relationship

Foster deeper connections between customers and salespeople, by improving the quality and effectiveness of their interactions.

Digital Retail

Enable self-service

Empower customers to explore vehicle options and configure cars independently, enhancing their satisfaction.

Meet & Greeter

Ensure every greeting is personal and effortless

Digital Retail
Digital Retail

Verify customer info and appointments

Reduce wait time through efficient validation of customer details and appointments.

Digital Retail

Register new walk-ins

Gather essential details from each new visit for effective lead capture.

Digital Retail

Connect customers with sales experts

Assign the right sales person to customers aligning customer intent with salesperson expertise.

Sales Guide App

Equip your sales team to guide customers
through the buying journey

Digital Retail
Digital Retail

Assist with vehicle configuration

Enable salesperson to configure vehicles for customers using the app, streamlining the sales process.

Digital Retail

Expand visuals with screen mirroring

Offer an immersive view of configured vehicles by mirroring them on showroom displays.

Digital Retail

Personalize interactions with customer 360

Provide your sales team with detailed customer profiles for effective communication.

Digital Retail

Simplify booking and order processing

Let your sales team handle bookings and process orders directly in the app, cutting down wait times.

DIY in Showroom

Empower your customers with self-guided experiences

Transform your showroom into a dynamic space where customers explore, customize, and complete bookings at their own pace.

Digital Retail

Interactive display

Enrich the showroom experience with captivating visuals and immersive audio, guiding customers as they explore vehicles and complete bookings.

Digital Retail

QR code scanner

Offer customers added convenience with immediate access to the digital showroom on their phone through a quick QR code scan.

Digital Retail

Digitalize your showroom for exceptional
brand experiences.

Get started with Oorjit to modernize your showroom.

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